Friday, November 26, 2004

The Boundaries of Love and Friendship

to my friend, Bunny

Where does one stop and the other begin, should they go hand-in-hand
The playful frolic of childhood friends, a show of innocence, devoid of malice, filled with everything but lust
The passionate game of risky relationships, a duet of love and madness, bordering on insanity, tempered with passion and instincts
Each one different side of a single coin or the opposite edge of a blade swung recklessly by faith and destiny
Or should they be individual strings that conjure harmonious lives when strummed in perfect unison
Or conflicting factions engaged in battle in the arena of emotions
Competing for the survival of beliefs and continued existence of individual truths where one will absolutely surpass the other

In exodus en route for the forbidden, cloaked, enigmatic unknown identified only by a mind-set formulated by the thoughts of the heart
Concealed amid the confusion of ideas, puzzlement of principles, turmoil of impressions, and mayhem of initiatives lay an unresolved reservation
The mind is capable of being economical with the truth, misleading and deceptive
The heart is not to be misjudge or undervalued as it can influence the most resilient and vigorous souls

Be vigilant and prudent in choosing that which will guide your judgment and certitude
The thoughts of friendship and the affections of love should be deliberated and contemplated methodically from top to bottom
The strength of will and determination to remain for friendship
The potential to aspire and the necessity due to emotional poverty for love
Wandering between the margins of love and friendship, be redolent of one’s decisions for they may be neither right nor wrong


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